So I have royally failed at keeping up my original plan of blogging after every rotation but I'll try and play catch-up now. During the month of August, I was at Arrowhead
, living at home and loving life. Family was sooo much fun, even though it was in-patient and more intense than an out-patient family rotation,, but still so awesome. I learned a ton and absolutely loved the patients and the whole experience.

It really reaaffirmed my desire to do family med, plus it was really fun to be

at Arrowhead (where so many of my Touro friends and colleagues are at) and constantly see and work with friends and people that I already knew!!
I had the first week of September off and used the time to fly to NYC, find an apt for 6 weeks (not stressful at all....), move in and start pediatrics! While the getting there was super stressful, the rotation as a whole and the overall experience were AMAZING!! I ended up loving pediatrics wayyyy more than I expected, the Brooklyn brownstone I lived in was awesome, and every weekend I did something fun, including visits to DC and Boston! All in all it was wonderful and ev

en better than I expected!!

So after an awesome 6 weeks on the east coast, I moved back home to do 2 weeks of pain management back at Arrowhead. It was an interesting rotation -- I learned a ton about different types of and treatments for pain and got to help with some awesome procedures (epidurals, nerve ablations, steroid injections) plus it was super fun to be back at Arrowhead again and enjoy my time at home and with friends before surgery started up!

So after pain management, I officially moved into my apt in Cerritos and started surgery at Downey!! So far, I defintitely don't love it as much as pediatrics, but so far it's really interesting and I'm learning a ton! Hopefully it won't be this long before I try to document my rotation adventures on the world wide web!